Mines Minister flies to Kazakhstan as secret meeting allegations linger


The footage of the alleged meeting

The Minister of Mines & Energy is not expected to respond to video footage of an alleged secret meeting between him and a controversial
Asian miner until he returns to the capital from a trip to Kazakhstan on Monday.

SIBC contacted the Government this morning which confirmed the Mines Minister David Dei Pacha left Honiara for Kazakhstan on a trip, and will return to the capital on Monday.

Mr Dei Pacha’s Ministry confirmed he was travelling to attend the World Expo Kazakhstab, a country which borders Russia and China.


The Inamauri Are’ Are Acoustra panpipers are performing at the festival and also leaving today.

SIBC has repeatedly attempted to contact Mr Dai Pacha with no success.

In footage obtained by the Opposition Group and passed on to the media yesterday, the alleged meeting took place on April 21around 10:40pm.

According to a video footage obtained by the Opposition Office, the mines and energy minister’s vehicle, a Hyundai SUV with registered plate number G-3903, arrived at the HP car park.

Honourable David Dai Pacha. 

A few minutes later, an Asian man believed to be the Chairman of Asia Pacific Investment Development Limited (APID) Ray Set Fah Chu was seen
walking down the stairs and into the minister’s vehicle.

From the footage, the Opposition Office claims that the secret car park meeting lasted for around 10 minutes before Mr. Chu was seen exiting from the car and back to his hotel room.

The Opposition Office said the secret meeting raised more suspicion, being two months after the Prime Minister and the Mines Minister were caught in a controversial text message exchange with the same Asian miner.

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