MPA for Ghaobata Ward Assists Suaghi Catholic Church with Brick
St. Peter Catholic Church in Suaghi, Ghaobata Ward in North Guadalcanal received an assistance of two hundred bricks from their Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) Hon. Johnlee Saki yesterday 22nd February 2023.
The bricks will go towards the completion of their church building extension.
In an interview with SIBC, Hon. Saki said his visit to the community goes in line with his ward tour for this year 2023.
He said the assistance is part of the Ward Development Plan in supporting and providing basic infrastructure and services to the community under the Ministry of Provincial Government’s (MPGIS) ‘Policy Blueprint’.
Policy Blueprint was approved by the MPGIS on participatory Planning and Ward Development Committees (WDCs) in 2020. It provides the basis for the entire community living in a Ward to participate in the planning and decision-making process for local development and provincial-level planning.
It is implemented by Provincial Governments (PGs) through Ward Development Committees (WDCs) that are responsible for preparing three-year rolling plans and Annual Work Plans that feed into the PG’s development planning and budgeting.
Mr. Saki assures that he will continue to deliver assistance to ensure all his ward development plans are fulfilled.
“Our coming here today for this handing over program has worked along with my ward tour program and ward development plan for this year.”
“This is the first community to receive support from me and my committee this year and we will provide more support to other communities until we fulfill our development plans under the Blueprint Policy.”
Ghaobata Ward Project Officer (WPO) Ronny Vouza, explained that that assistance is part of the Provincial Government’s funded projects for the Ghaobata ward.
He said the Suaghi Catholic community is one of nineteen communities that received support from their MPA.
“The handing over that we have just witnessed is part of the Provincial Government’s projects which was funded through our MPA.”
“This is the nineteenth community in Ghaobata to have received support from us over the years,” said Mr. Vouza.
Meanwhile, a community elder and Senior Catechist of St. Peter Church Mr. Malachi Subuto expressed his gratitude to their MPA on behalf of the community for his assistance.
“We were happy to receive this assistance from our MPA that will help us to finish our church extension.
“This is also the first time for any MPA to visit our community and to support us so we are so grateful to receive this assistance.”
By Simon Tavake