
Mindset Transformation workshop for Church leaders and Church workers facilitated by MTGPEA

The Ministry of Traditional Governance Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA) hosted a three days Peace-building, Mindset Transformation Workshop for Church leaders and Church workers at St Barnabas Leaf Haus.

The workshop was facilitated by MTGPEA together with the Anglican Church for Churches Leaders and Church Workers under SIFGA and SICA.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop, Deputy Secretary Technical Emily Kupenga thanked and acknowledged Church leaders and Church Workers for accepting the Ministry’s invitation and for making an effort to attend the workshop.

She highlighted “The purpose of the workshop is to bring together Peace-builders and Peace Advocators from different Churches under SIFGA and SICA to participate and gain peace-building knowledge from the workshop and reach out advocate for peace and stability in the society and communities”.

With the hosting of the Pacific Game this year and as it is one of the DCGA Government priorities, MTGPEA is categorized under the Social Cluster purposely to support the upcoming Pacific Game to deliver awareness and advocacy for Peace and social stability.

Therefore, recognizing the role Church leaders and Church workers plays and considering their expertise in terms of maintaining peace and stability is vital.

The Ministry organized this workshop to equip Church leader and Church workers to provide mindset transformation awareness and advocate for peace and stability in the communities.

Mrs. Kupenga accredited Churches for their continuous contribution to the Ministry as well as the Country in maintaining peace and stability through their work.

She added appreciating and recognizing the work of the Churches, the government through MTGPEA has strengthened its partnership with the Churches through the Partnership Framework signed in 2021 between the Ministry and SIFGA and SICA.

“And this workshop is the fulfillment of the shared mission within the Partnership Framework as well as it harness MTGPEA continues engagement with the Churches”.

She said Ministry recognized that Churches is the only avenue for awareness and advocacy for peace and stability.

The Ministry hopes with the three day’s workshop, participants will share experiences of peace-building, how ministry or church programs can support the government by contributing to a peaceful and socially stable society / communities towards the upcoming pacific games.



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