Logging Company Slapped with Suspension Notice


Commissioner of Forestry, Mr. Reeves Moveni, has issued a suspension notice to Sunway (SI) Limited, a Logging company, for polluting the primary water source of Beula Provincial Secondary School (PSS).

Beulah PSS. Photo: Beulah PSS/Facebook

The suspension notice was confirmed by Ms. Margaret Salini, the Director of Forestry Industry within the Ministry of Forestry and Research.

Ms. Salini told SIBC News, the notice comes following an inspection carried out by the Ministry’s field officers.

A source representing the Licensee which Sunway (SI) Limited is operating under, speaks on the condition of anonymity to SIBC News, claimed that the company had resolved the issue by constructing a new water dam for the school.

According to the source, the water supply to the school has returned to normal, and the company has also supplied water tanks and other essential items to the school.

Contradicting these claims, Mr. Patrick Toiraena, the provincial Secretary for Western Province, revealed that only a 2000-liter water tank has been provided by the company and that the water disruption issue remains unresolved.

SIBC News understands that due to the contamination caused by the Logging company, students from Beula School have been sent back home since the previous week.

This incident emphasizes the need for strict regulations and regular inspections in the logging industry to prevent such pollution incidents in the future.


By Alex Dadamu

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