Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Director David Hiriasia. Photo credit: Courtesy of David Hiriasia's Facebook account.

Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Director David Hiriasia. Photo credit: Facebook.

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Services (SIMS) has yesterday launched a Climate-based Monitoring and Early Warning System for Honiara, North Guadalcanal and Central Province.

Speaking at the launch, Met Service Director David Hiriasia highlights the significant difference this new monitoring and early warning system will make in managing malaria in the provinces.

A media statement from the Met office said the event has marked the achievement of the partnership between the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program (NVBDCP) and the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service.

It says teams from the Met Service and the Vector Borne Control Program have been working closely with staff from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology for the past three years.

Both understand the relationship between climate and malaria in the Solomon Islands and develop the monitoring and early warning system.

Meanwhile, the Australian High Commission Counsellor, Kirsten Hawke congratulated Solomon Islands for being the first Pacific country to introduce the innovative new climate warning system.

She said this new system will help predict malaria outbreaks and help health and climate expert staff in the country to target malaria strategies on the path of eliminating malaria by 2030.

Australia’s support for the project is part of the Climate and Oceans Support Program in the Pacific which includes a funding $33.2 million over five years through the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

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