Eleven (11) Members of the Parliament (MPs) in the Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) were sworn in as ministers of the crown today, 4th May 2024.
The 11 ministers are part of the 23 portfolios to be filled by MPs of the GNUT, another 12 ministers are to be sworn in in the coming days.
The 11 ministers of the crown are as follows;
- Rex Annex Ramofafia- Minister for the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination
- Makario Tagini- Minister for the Ministry of Forestry and Research
- Nestor Ghiro- Minister for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
- Clezy Rore- Minister for the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs
- Bradley Billy Smoky Rodo Tovosia- Minister for the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
- Rollen Seleso- Minister for the Ministry of Rural Development
- Trevor Hedley Mahaga- Minister for the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management and Meteorology
- Wayne Osopo Ghemu- Minister for the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening
- Paul Popora Bosawai- Minister for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services
- John Junior Tuhaika- Minister for the Ministry of Public Service
- Franklyn Derick Wasi- Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development
Key ministries such as Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (MID) and others are to be filled in the coming days.
Deputy Prime Minister is yet to be filled as well.
The Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) is set to appoint its entire ministers of the crown as soon as possible and get down to the business of governing the affairs of the country.
Another important program in the calendar of GNUT is the announcement of the 100 days policy priorities, which will happen in the coming days as well.