Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

New Premier elect for Renbel Province Johnston Peseika has announced his executive members after taking his oath.

Clerk to Assembly Victor Maitaki told SIBC News, the new Premier elect has announced his cabinet adding, executive members have taken their Oaths last Thursday.

Clerk Maitaki said the formalities and appropriate documents will be formally submitted to the Ministry of Provincial Government soon.

“As far as I know the Premier has already taken his oath and during his speech announced his Executive and they too have already been sworn in, so with such the formalities of all MPA’s are already in place. All those documents are now with the office of the Speaker and they will service the Ministry responsible as of this week.”

Mr Maitaki adds, the election of the new Premier was guided by the general principle of democracy in Solomon Islands.

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