NRH ready to test COVID-19 samples

MHMS Permanent Secretary, Pauline McNeil

Country’s Gene Xpert machines are now ready to test COVID-19 samples, commencing Thursday.

This follows a successful trial it underwent on Monday this week.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Mrs Pauline Mckneil revealed during yesterday’s radio talk back show on the national broadcaster-SIBC.

“We have recieved one hundred and forty catridges for the gene expert machine. Thes equipment has been put on trial, and should be up and running by Thursday this week.”

Meanwhile, Mr Mckneil clarifies, the two Pre-fabricated Quarantine Units recently handed over by Australian Government to Solomon Islands Government at Henderson Airport will be used as fever clinics for incoming travellers.

The two qurantine facilities at the airport will be used as a fever clinic for those travelling in in the near fututre.

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