An example of land use planning. Photo: Courtesy of Cumberland.

An example of land use planning. Photo: Courtesy of Cumberland.

Agriculture Chief field officers from around the country have completed a land use training program on land use planing and its importance for communities.

The training was to educate people to make the right use of lands within their provinces.

Agriculture Land Use Planing Officer Jimmy Walton said the dream is to inform people on the importance of land and its management in the country.

“Our dream is to make sure that Land Use Planning knowledge our people must understand what their land is like and what potentials their land have and that they must look after land well because in our country, of all the countries around us, it’s a fact that 80 percent of our people live in the rural areas and are using the land. Only 20 percent lived in our urban areas and towns.”

The Agriculture Land Use Planing Officer adds there is needs for people to use and maintain their lands for future generations.

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