Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Parliamentary Opposition has called upon the Democratic Coalition for Change Government to correct the current mining matter involving Indonesian mining company, BT Mega Bintang Borneo Limited.

BT Mega Bintang Borneo Limited has been prospecting for bauxite in West Rennell until its license was terminated by the former Mines Minister Samson Maneka.Maneka has since been reshuffled to another Ministerial portfolio.

After the reshuffle, Cabinet allowed BT Mega Bintang Borneo Limited to export Bauxite and suspended the Director of Mines, and sacked the Permanent Secretary Jeffery Kauha.

The Parliamentary Opposition says this may be linked to the mining company.

In a statement, the Opposition says the former Permanent Secretary has implied he was terminated because he stood by a ministerial decision to deny the Indonesian company an export permit because it did not have a valid mining lease to operate in Rennell Island.

The decision was in line with recommendations made by the Minerals Board.

The Opposition says the officials tried to perform their duties and protect the laws of this country.

Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Opposition has urged the Prime Minister and the Government to ensure this matter involving BT Mega Bintang Borneo Limited is corrected.

The Parliamentary Opposition says it must be corrected to ensure foreign and personal interests do not interfere with laws that safeguard the management of national resources and Solomon Islands sovereignty.

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