Blue fin tuna underwater. Photo credit: www.greenpeace.org

Bluefin tuna underwater. Photo credit: www.greenpeace.org

The Parliamentary Opposition Office has commended the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government for its commitment to ensuring the country continues to benefit more from its tuna resources and fisheries industry.

The Opposition Office made this statement after the government has successfully implemented its policy on ensuring tuna catches in Solomon waters are properly dealt with.

It says this is positive news for the country and the investment will definitely bring the much-needed revenue needed by the country.

The Opposition Group congratulates the DCC Government and encourages it to continue to pursue the implementation of its flagship tuna policies that included Suava bay, Doma and Tenaru Tuna Canning and loining Projects.

It calls on the Government to fast track these important projects as it will contribute more significantly to the local economy.

The Opposition says if other pacific island neighbours like PNG is able to benefit from its tuna industry, Solomon Islands should also be enjoying the same benefits.

The Parliamentary Opposition Office adds, with the onshore processing of tuna, more job opportunities will be created for our people.

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