Premier Stephen Panga of Guadalcanal Province. Photo: SIBC.

Premier Stephen Panga of Guadalcanal Province. Photo: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier Stephen Panga says the Solomon Star article that the National Government had dissolved the Guadalcanal Provincial Assembly is not true.

Speaking to SIBC News, Premier Panga said the provincial assembly received an emergency order from the Minister of Provincial Government because of their current political situation and the flood disaster.

He said the Minister did not exercise his powers to dissolve the assembly as mentioned in the Solomon Star Newspaper.

“The Minister is not exercising his power as reported by the Solomon Star, to dissolve the Assembly according to the sections on Provincial Assembly Act. He is only exercising his powers under Section 47 of the Provincial Government’s Act, which is normal under such circumstances.”

The Guadalcanal Premier also said he wants an apology from the newspaper.

“And we are calling on the Solomon Star and the reporter responsible to say an apology for the people of Guadalcanal for what was reported, and this is not good to put out a statement based on facts, a message not suitable for the people of Guadalcanal.”

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