Parliament passes Constitution (Amendment) (Electoral Reform) Bill 2018


Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Parliament has passed the Constitution (Amendment) (Electoral Reform) Bill 2018 with a two third majority of 38 votes, a constitutional requirement.

The nine clause bill went through second and third readings and was passed with amendments in a day.

Debating the bill before its passage, Gizo Kolombangara MP Lanelle Tanangada congratulates the government for considering the voice of women in this electoral reform.

Ms. Tanangada adds, clause 5-5 of the bill spells out clearly that at least one woman must be appointed to the five member ‘Commissioner of Elections’.

This is a testimony of a vibrant nation, a step up in the nation’s democratic electoral reform she adds.

“I acknowledge the Prime Minister and the government for recognizing the importance of the inclusion of women to be members of the Commission.

“Solomon Islands has come a long way, forty years now and i would like to congratulate the government and the inclusiveness of women in this very important role in the government, “Mrs Tanagada said.

“I believe my good people of Gizo-Kolobangara would support my statement in that amendments made to the current constitution of the country in relation to the electoral reform is for the best interest of the citizens.”

Meanwhile, the 7th meeting of the 10th Parliament has passed four bills since its resumption on Wednesday 18th July 2018.

These include the popular Anti-Corruption Bill 2017, the Whistleblowers Protection Bill 2016, the Strata Titles Bill 2017 and the Constitution (Amendment) (Electoral Reform) Bill 2018.

Bills that are still before Parliament include; The 2018 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2018, The Electoral Bill 2018, The Legal Profession Bill 2017 among others.

By: Leni Dalavera

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