Pawa school in Makira Ulawa. Photo credit: One World Map.

Pawa school in Makira Ulawa. Photo credit: One World Map.

Form Six Science class at Pawa Provincial Secondary School in Makira Ulawa Province has been suspended.

Makira Ulawa Provincial Secretary Silas Sitai says the Provincial Education Authority confirms the suspension.

He says there are not enough science teachers to teach the students adding, despite attempts by the school’s principle to make arrangements with form six teachers at Waimapuru and Pamua Secondary schools to take turn to teach his form six students, it was not possible.

Mr Sitai adds the authority therefore orders the school to suspend the Form Six Science Class, saying they will re-do sixth form next year.

The Provincial Secretary also apologised to the students who are affected by this, saying it will try to avoid any repetition of such cases in the future.

Meanwhile, more than 30 students are affected by this suspension.

SIBC News understands Pawa Provincial Secondary School comes under the Makira Ulawa Provincial Government.

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