Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: SIBC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: SIBC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo says the Cabinet has never approved a substantial amount of money for the rehabilitation of the April flood victims.

Prime Minister Mr Lilo made this clarification in response to East Honiara M-P’s supplementary question in Parliament this morning.

Mr Lilo clarifies that Cabinet has never at any time approved a further 45 million dollars for the same cause.

“I’d like to begin by saying to you even the statement of Cabinet approving this 45 million last week, that is wrong. I would have thought that we as leaders we take responsibility to ensure that you know, whatever we tell our people here is something based on true and correct information. If you had asked me somewhere to say or you ring me up and asked me whether it’s true that cabinet has approved the 45 million, I would have told you that it’s not true. No cabinet has never approved anything of magnitude.”

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