Prime Minister Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

The Prime Minister has sent a strong warning to people who registered more than once in the recent Biometric Voters Registration system – saying, they will be caught.

The recent voters registration exercise found as many as 5,000 multiple registrations.

In his Independence Day Address at Lawson Tama on Monday, Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo said people who want to defraud or undermine the system will be held criminally liable.

In his address, the Prime Minister also described the voters registration turnout this year as ‘very good’.

“For instance, in the 2010 general elections the total registered voters were 448,188. Interestingly in 2014 the eligible registered voters were found to be only 343,000 voters. This means in 2010 we could have 160 names as ghost names, and those ghost names have now been removed. And out of the 343,000 eligible voters, 287,000 were registered, which is 98 percent of the total number of registered voters. That indeed is a very good turn out.”

The Prime Minister adds, some people registered multiple times, and he warned that these people will be caught.

“But yet out of those registered voters, there are still dishonest people who registered multiple times. For instance, a total of 5,379 names were multiple registers and out of these people one person become a champion of to have registered nine times and others who have registered more than one time. Let me say this message to those people, to those who attempted to undermine and defraud this system my message to you is you will be caught. Defrauding the system will risk your candidate and well expose you to criminal liability, so please do not do it.”

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