Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has been officially handed the responsibility as the new chairman of the Pacific Islands Development Forum for 2016 to 2017.

This was after a formal handover ceremony by former PIDF Chair, the Chief Guest of the PIDF Summit, Fiji Prime Minister Josiah Bainimarama this morning at the opening ceremony of the Leaders Summit in Honiara.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony Mr. Bainimarama congratulates Solomon Islands Prime Minister as the new Chair of the PIDF for the next two years.

“Let me begin by offering my congratulations to the Honourable Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare on his appointment as the Chair of the Pacific Islands Development Forum and my gratitude for the commitment and leadership he has shown to this institution and to our common mission.”

Prime Minister Bainimarama adds he is proud that the PIDF member countries have achieved tremendous solidarity in advocating their vital interest to the rest of the world.

“I am also proud that we have achieved tremendous solidarity in advocating our vital interest to the rest of the world. We Pacific Island nations have an effective and consistent voice and it is here. On this note, I wish to acknowledge and commend those that were vocal and advocates in the global arena on matters close to our hearts, in particular, Kiribati and Tuvalu.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare thanked Fiji Government and PIDF member countries for having the confidence in the Solomon Islands Government to be the next PIDF chair.

“And with a heavy sense of responsibility as I accept the challenge of chairing the PIDF for the next two years. Thank you very much for the confidence and trust that you have with the Government of Solomon Islands to take on that responsibility of the next two years and I specifically thank the assurance by the Prime Minister of Fiji and the outgoing Chair of PIDF for the support that you will continue to render for this huge task of leading this organisation.”

Prime Minister Sogavare also calls for support from PIDF member countries to build on the Suva Declaration on Climate Change and consider how they might improve on a mechanism that will reduce the risks that Pacific Island countries face.

“Let us build on our Suva Delcaration on Climate Change and consider how we might improve on mechanisms and linkages that will reduce the risks that we are facing now and ladies and gentlemen as your new Chair of PIDF I am confident that our actions and decisions will result in stronger and more effective Pacific Islands Development Forum, we can do more for less. I accept the chairmanship of this organisation will all humility, with the knowledge that I am fully supported by all the member countries.”

The PIDF Leaders Summit ends today.

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