Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

Opposition Leader Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Office of the Opposition.

Leader of the Official Opposition Jeremiah Manele has described the response by Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare regarding the disclosure of the list of 39 political appointees as ‘childish and irresponsible’.

Mr Manele told SIBC news in a statement today while he acknowledge the Prime Minister’s response, it was emotional and subjective, detracting from the core issue

He says the Opposition expects an objective response to the concerns raised.

Mr Manele adds there is nothing unethical about the issues raised as it is always the role of the Opposition to guide the Government.

He says, this is important to ensure whatever decisions made by the Government do not have repercussions on our scarce financial resources and moreover on the part of the taxpayers and at the expense of effective delivery of services to Solomon Islanders.

Mr Manele encourages the Prime Minister to consider the concern raised by his office to help him make sound decisions.

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