Police arrest German national for illegal border crossing


Royal Solomon Islands Police Force badge. Photo: RSIPF Media

Police officers in Taro, Choiseul Province have arrested a German national for illegally entering Solomon Islands through the Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea (PNG) border on Sunday 29 April 2018.

Police say theĀ  accused was arrested after Police in Taro were informed of his presence at Supizae Island, near Taro Station on 26 April 2018.

Police then invited him to Taro police station for questioning and at the same time notified the Immigration Department.

The German national was then advised to leave Solomon Islands for PNG voluntarily however he escaped to mainland Choiseul and disappeared.

Police conducted a search and finally found him near Kona Village where he was formally arrested and placed in Police custody awaiting formalities from the Solomon Islands Immigration Department.

Taro Police Station, Senior Sergeant Rolland Lapo thankedĀ the members of the public in Choiseul who came forward and reported the matter to police.

“This is really encouraging to the police as this shows the commitment members of our communities have to working together to ensure our laws are adhered to both by our own people and those from other countries,” he said.


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