Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke pledges his Government’s support to the implementation of the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government policy intentions.

The Premier said Guadalcanal province will take active participation in this process.

A statement by the Office of the Prime Minister said the premier made the assurance during his Executive’s first brief courtesy call on the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare since the new provincial executive assumed office earlier this year.

Mr. Veke said his Government appreciate’s the outcome of the National Government policies including the amendment to the Lands and Titles Act.

Mr. Veke also conveyed to the Prime Minister, areas of financial hiccup faced by the province due to bureaucratic red tape with potential to affect the delivery of services by the province to the people of Guadalcanal.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sogavare responded that the provincial government is the agent of the national government in delivering services to its citizens.

Mr Sogavare urged Premier Veke to utilise the warm and cordial relationship enjoyed by the two governments, through recognised channels, to mitigate the province’s precarious financial position.

Mr Sogavare has impressed upon the Premier that he had recently visited the interior of Guadalcanal and had witnessed first-hand information how social services are delivered within remote Guadalcanal.

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