Water from a tap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Water from a tap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Riguru community members in Simbo, Western Province have celebrated the New Year today.

Esther Londu told Radio Hapi Lagun’s Cathy Lezutuni, this was due to commitments from community members on New Year’s day.

Mrs Londu says although two days late, there is actually a worthwhile cause for celebration – their new water tanks.

Clean water access has been difficult in the past.

She says water shortage will be history as they now have water tanks to collect and store water.

“We often struggle to collect water every festive season since a lot of people would return home for holidays, but as Chair Lady of the Riguru Community Water Supply I am very excited to announce that a major achievement for us this festive season is 17 water tanks funded by the Rural Development Program.”

She says a handing over ceremony for the tanks will be held soon.

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