
The Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), through its Rural Sustainable Development Program (RSDP), delivered materials worth $1.5 million towards the establishment of the first-ever Central Guadalcanal Constituency (CGC) Fisheries Centre on Wednesday 5 June.

The project goods include eight fiberglass boats, eight 40hp engines, and building materials for the construction of the fishery facility.

Three (3) more boats including three (3) engines and dugout canoes under the same project will be delivered to their respective recipients at a later date.

Other components of the project for the constituency that are scheduled for delivery to respective beneficiaries at a later date include 60 plus poultry projects, piggery, and agriculture crop farming items.

These projects are funded by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and implemented by MRD through the RSDP program.

The first eight boats and engines of the eleven boats & OBMs that were handed over on Wednesday with building materials.

The initiative is targeted at boosting the local fishery within CGC and improving the social and economic livelihood of the rural constituents.

The handover ceremony was graced by the visiting Chinese Government’s special envoy for Pacific Island countries, His Excellency (H.E.) Qian Bo.

Minister for the Ministry of Police and Member of Parliament for Gizo/Kolombangara Constituency, Hon. Jimson Tanangada was also part of the program.

Honourable Minister for MRD, Rollen Seleso when delivering his keynote address at the ceremony acknowledged the presence of the Chinese Special Envoy H.E Qian Bo, the Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands H.E Cai Weiming, PRC Embassy officials, Minister of Police Hon. Jimson Tanangada, CGC constituents, MRD staff and everyone who attended the program.

A show of Solomon Islands-China’s friendship solidarity as the visiting Chinese Government’s special envoy for Pacific Island countries, His Excellency (H.E.) Qian Bo shake hands with the Hon. Minister for the Ministry of Rural Development Rollen Seleso to handover the project items to the Central Guadalcanal Constituency.

“Today, we are witnessing one of the many genuine partnerships between our two countries through the handover of project materials to the constituency of central Guadalcanal under the Rural Sustainable Development Program (RSDP).

“Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between our two countries in September of 2019, our friendship has blossomed through many joint successful undertakings such as this.

The RSDP program, which commenced just toward the end of last year is a very successful joint undertaking between the Solomon Islands Government through MRD and PRC with funding from the Chinese Government, worth US$10 million.

“RSDP enabled us to gather today, to witness the handover of materials for a fisheries center, which is probably the first for the Central Guadalcanal constituency,” Minister Seleso told H.E Bo and everyone in attendance.

The fisheries center comprises building materials, storage and cooling equipment, outboard motor engines, and boats, all of which are funded by the RSDP.

“Also funded by the RSDP for the Central Guadalcanal Constituency is a large community hall for the local Tuvalu Community in Solomon Islands. It was constructed and completed end of last year.

“Other components of the RSDP for the constituency include poultry, piggery, and agriculture crop farming.

“Your Excellency, what we are witnessing here today is just a minor fraction of the RSDP throughout the whole nation,” Hon. Minister emphasized.

He said “The Solomon Islands Government is very grateful that it has a true friend in China because China recognizes the true needs of Solomon Islands and has never been reluctant to assist us.

“RSDP in particular, has positively impacted a wider range of the Solomon Islands society, especially those in the rural areas.

“These include numerous projects in education, water supply and sanitation, road repairs and constructions, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, solar lighting, and other livelihood projects.

“…I highly commend and applaud your great country of China for recognizing Solomon Islands as an equal partner in development,” Minister Seleso said.

He also acknowledged the Chinese embassy office in Honiara for standing with MRD in successfully delivering the RSDP program.


A couple with their project of boat & engine.

At the same time, Minister Seleso urged beneficiaries of the projects to take good care of the project materials and items.

“These items don’t come easy and these are gifts from the people and Government of the Great Country of China.

“So, ensure that you use them properly and take good care of them to assist you in the long term,” he said.

Meanwhile, H.E. Qian Bo assured Minister Seleso of the Chinese Government’s firm support to Solomon Islands development aspirations adding China will continue to support more promising and prosperous life for Solomon people and the sustainable development of rural areas.

He said that the handover is another testimony of SI-PRC’s genuine friendship.

Philip Mesa who spoke on behalf of the recipients and the constituency thanked PRC for the generous assistance.

Some of the constituents who are part of the program.

He said the center will function as a tributary or feeder for Honiara Markets and also a source of fish market for communities in and around Central Guadalcanal who want to buy fish.

With the coastal Central Guadalcanal community’s heavy reliance on sea resources for their livelihoods, the project proves fitting as it will not only function as a center where people can buy fresh fish but will certainly encourage people including the young to be involved in income-generating activities like fishing and sell it to the center.

Constituents said that they are looking forward to the fishery center when it will come into full operation.

Member of Parliament for CGC is Hon. Peter Shanel Agovaka who is the current Minister for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External (MFAET).


– MRD Media Release

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