The Central Police Station. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Central Police Station. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force Fire Station at Rove will soon be relocated next to the Central Police Station.

This was announced by the Director of the Fire Service Inspector Rodney Kuma.

“Now if you going past the Central Police Station, you’ll see a concreted path just next to the creek opposite the Meuseum; that is the new fire station and we hope to complete it by July or September this year.”

He adds, with the relocation, the department is hopeful to effectively deal with fire hazards and reduce its impacts.

“So that will be a new project that will ebable us to respond easily to the easterly and westerly directions because Central Police Station has become centrally located to the Honiara residents, so that will give us the opportunity to respond quickly to the calls we are receiving.”

Meanwhile, Director of the Fire Service Inspector Rodney Kuma explains, the road works which currently slows down traffic near the Central Police Station is to strengthen road conditions for heavy firefighters.

Inspector Rodney Kuma explains.

“The work is to strengthen that patch of road as most of our vehicles weigh about 30 tonnes and normally they would destroy the normal tar sealing if there is no concrete so that’s why we have the concrete so that it holds the vehicle’s weight while turning, so we will not turn at the roundabouts but straight from the cemented path.”

The road work is expected to complete by the end of this week.

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