Seif Ples logo. Photo credit: Seif Ples.

Seif Ples logo. Photo credit: Seif Ples.

The Seif Ples Gender-based Violence Crisis and Referral centre and Solomon Telekom Company Limited have signed an agreement recognising the work of ‘Seif Ples’.

Seif Ples Gender-based Violence Crisis and Referral centre continue to assist victims of gender based violence in Solomon Islands.

Our Telekom Chief Executive Officer, Mr Loyley Ngira says the agreement shows the commitment of Our Telekom to the promotion of an equal, fair and safe society in the Solomon Islands that looks after and develops the roles of women in society and business.

Our Telekom agrees to support Seif Ples with continuation of free call service 132 at no cost, equip the centre with a three extension Virtual PABX with built-in Automatic Call Distribution software (ACD)
and other services that would provide free access services.

The agreement was signed by Seif Ples Gender-based Violence Crisis and Referral Centre, Centre Manager Mr Kim Abbey and the Our Telekom Mr Loyley Ngira this week.

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