Solomon Islands welcomes Russia’s Expo 2030 Bid

Solomon Islands Commissioner General to the Expo 2020 Dubai Ambassador Moses Kouni Mose says that “Like all countries bidding for the 2030 Expo, Solomon Islands welcomes Russian Federation’s bid. We look forward to receiving the detailed presentation of their bid for the government to consider and take the next steps”.

DCG Dennis Marita flanked by Anna Kopenkina (left) & Malexey Kalachev CEO for Moscow Expo 2030 bid. Photo Supplied

Ambassador Mose was reciprocating to the invitation by Mr Alexey Kalachev, CEO of the Moscow EXPO-2030 Bidding Committee on Sunday 21st November, 2021 which saw the attendance of Deputy Commissioner General and Pavilion Director Mr Dennis Marita at the launching of the country’s bidding process. Distinguished guests were given a sneak preview of what Russia had to offer should they be awarded the rights to host the 2030 Expo.

Mr Kalachev in welcoming DCG Marita said that Russia was the first to submit an official application for the right to host EXPO-2030 on April 29, 2021 adding that Moscow is a hospitable and welcoming city, and we are ready to host the guests of EXPO in our capital.

DCG Marita reiterated Commissioner General Mose’s remarks by wishing Russia all the best in its Expo 2030 bidding.

Five countries have submitted competing candidatures to organise World Expo 2030: Russia (in Moscow), the Republic of Korea (in Busan), Italy (in Rome), Ukraine (in Odesa) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (in Riyadh).

The project examination phase for World Expo 2030 will take place in 2022 and 2023, with each candidate submitting a detailed candidature dossier, and the BIE organising Enquiry Missions and assessing the feasibility and viability of each candidature project.


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