Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit: OPMC.

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has said Solomon Islands’ position with Indonesia is for the republic to provide a platform for Solomon Islands to address the issue of West Papua – that is why Solomon Islands is in Indonesia.

He told local reporters upon arrival at the Henderson Airport last Friday from his four-legged tour to Cuba, Palau, Taiwan and Indonesia.

The Prime Minister said it is good for Solomon Islands to monitor Indonesia’s situation from inside than being fed by some unverified information that could lead to misunderstanding and misinformation to the public.

“The position that Solomon Islands has is that we want Indonesia to provide a platform for us to address the issue of West Papua and that is the very reason why we are in Indonesia. It is good for us to be in there to monitor the situation rather than staying outside and being fed by some unverified information that you know, could lead to misunderstanding and misinformation to the public.”

He added, the presence of Solomon Islands in Indonesia has resulted in Solomon Islands being the first ever formal government delegation that has entered West Papua.

“As you can see that as a result of our presence there and that the first ever formal government delegation that have ever entered West Papua is from Solomon Islands, that was a condition that I have put on President Yudhoyono, that if you want me to engaged I want you to allow my delegation to enter West Papua to see for themselves, and that will form the basis for us, you know, to move forward and he has agreed on that.”

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