Chairperson of Government Caucus, Hon. Jackson Fiulaua. Photo credit: SI Parliament.

Chairperson of Government Caucus, Hon. Jackson Fiulaua. Photo credit: SI Parliament.

The Chairman of the Government Caucus and Member of Parliament for Central Kwara’ae, Jackson Fiulaua says sound investment incentives are important to the country’s economic development.

Mr Fiulaua made the statement in light of criticisms against a Cabinet decision to impose a zero duty on bauxite exports.

He says sound investment incentives will derive needed revenue to the national purse, the provincial governments and ascertain the creation of job opportunities for nearly a thousand school dropouts, school leavers and graduates every year.

The Government Caucus chair says, foreign investors must be made to feel welcomed rather than made to feel they are in the country to corrupt its leaders as has been insinuated by government critics against the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, the Director of the Foreign Investment Division of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration, Derek Aihari supports the sentiments echoed by Mr Fiulaua.

Director Aihari says he cannot agree more as his Ministry encourages an investment environment conducive to attracting foreign investors to invest their hard earned money in Solomon Islands.

Both Mr Fiulaua and Mr Aihari were defending Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare’s critics on the alleged granting of zero duty tax on bauxite exports from Rennell by Bintan Mining SI Ltd.

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