SINTA General Secretary Samson Faisi. Photo credit: SIBC.

SINTA General Secretary Samson Faisi. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Solomon Islands National Teacher’s Association (SINTA) has strongly called on the Premier of Central Islands Province George Mapuli to stop politicising the posting of teachers in Central Islands Province.

SINTA alleged facts from the Central Islands Province SINTA branch is that the premier’s political interference in the education authority has resulted in the non-posting of more than ten teachers.

SINTA General Secretary Samson Faisi told a media conference, it is a big mistake for the premier to interfere with teachers’ postings.

“So if those allegations are true, then that’s a very big mistake made by the Premier in trying to influence teacher’s posting as to who should be in the postings and who should not be. Let me remind him it’s not his duty to influence the establishment or who supposed to teach this year. He should be concentrating on Provincial issues and leave education issues alone because what’s his support towards education if I may ask.”

The General Secretary adds all avenues will be used find out the premier’s interference into the posting.

SIBC’s many attempts for a response from the Central Islands Provincial Premier today have been futile.

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