Our Telekom landlines in Honiara. Photo credit: Solomon Times online.

Our Telekom landlines in Honiara. Photo credit: Solomon Times online.

Our Telekom customers in and around Malu’u area, North Malaita are calling on the company to improve its landline services to the area.

SIBC’s Malu’u stringer Lensley Kwaimani reports while the customers have enjoyed Our Telekom’s mobile services in Malu’u, they also want landline services be extended to the area.

He says apart from the mobile phone services, other business houses and individuals are still preferring fax machines and Internet services.

“They said though they already have mobile phones to contact, but phones cannot be used to send faxes. Business houses and other individuals still need landline services so as to access faxes. A sales office is also another among other services needed by people in the area adding, Telekom Top Up agents can save time and money if one sales office can be established in Malu’u. Mobiles phones and Sim cards can also be on sale at such an office.”

Mr Kwaimani adds, the Malu’u residents also called on Our Telekom to provide them with Television services, as enjoyed by residents at some urban centres in the country.

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