Flag of Temotu. Photo credit:   commons.wikimedia.org

Flag of Temotu. Photo credit: commons.wikimedia.org

The Temotu Constitutional Congress team has officially started its awareness on the second 2014 Draft Federal Constitution at the Mebilude Recreation House in Lata, Temotu Province.

Deputy Premier Nelson Menale officially opened the awareness program on Monday this week, thanking the Congress team for organizing the program.

He said the draft will ensure a new political arrangement is set up for Solomon Islands.

Policy Secretary of Fundamental Reform Sector, Warren Paia has made presentations on “Unitary to Federalism” for participants of the program.

Meanwhile, Diocesan Bishop of Temotu Diocese the Rt. Reverend Bishop George Takeli welcomed the event, saying the province has seen its importance.

Fifty participants including the Temotu Provincial Assembly Members and Executive, church, chiefs, women and youth representatives, officers and professionals of the Province attended the awareness.

The awareness ends this Friday.

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