The Chair of Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) Ruth Liloqula believes there is hope for Solomon Islands to eventually eradicate corruption.
Speaking at the official opening of an anti-corruption workshop for civil society organizations in the country today, Ms. Liloqula says there is hope if the Government and civil society organizations work together through strategic, innovative and use of existing legislation and instruments.
Ms. Liloqula says TSI applauds the Government for its commitment to put in place an International Commission Against Corruption and will assist the Commission touch base with the situation in Solomon Islands.
She says corruption undermines the socio-economic development of this nation and is the biggest threat to the sustainable development of Solomon Islands and its natural resources.
The TSI Chair says the fight against corruption may be a tough one, but the country needs to be positive.
The two-day workshop is organized by the Solomon Islands Government, United Nations Development Partner, Transparency Solomon Islands and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes.