This school in Savo is doing something special

Walter Oligaro talking to the SIBC team.

Walter Oligaro talking to the SIBC team.

A community high school in south Savo is doing something that has never been done before: it is the first in Solomon Islands to offer complete teaching service program to its students.

And according to community leaders, it is keeping them out of trouble, and getting them jobs.

Speaking to the SIBC news team who visited the volcanic island last week, Kalaka head teacher Walter Oligaro said the school offered early childhood, prime, secondary and vocational teaching services to its students.

“The students at this school are fortunate,” he said. “They can do their whole education here.”


The community leaders of nearby communities commended the complete service delivery of the school to their children.

One of them, Patrick Rande of Koela Village, told the visiting SIBC team the school has helped most of its youths to stay out from involving in criminal activities and also secure trade based jobs in Honiara after completing their education at the school.

The school also accommodates an aid post and a market for its students and surrounding communities.

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