Fiu Hydro Chairman Alfred Gegeo hands over the strategic plan to PM Sogavare as two members look on. Photo credit: OPMC.

Fiu Hydro Chairman Alfred Gegeo recently handed over the strategic plan to Prime Minister Sogavare as two members look on. Photo credit: OPMC.

The total funding for the Fiu Hydro project is around US$15 million.

Of the total budget, the Asian Development Bank will provide US$12 million and the Solomon Islands Government and the Solomon Islands Electricity Authority will foot the remaining US$3 million.

The Project will be undertaken by SIEA as part of its provincial development energy programme to expand its operations throughout the country.

Fiu Hydro has the potential to increase electricity capacity to Auki Township and other surrounding areas once operational.

It is also anticipated that the project has the potential to increase SIEA’s capacity to supply power to important establishments like the Kilu’ufi and Fauabu hospitals with the possibility to reach key growth centers like Bina Harbour.

This is contained in a statement after the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare met with Fiu Hydro Land and Resource Owners Taskforce.

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