Taro, the provincial capital of Choiseul province is constantly experiencing hiccups with its only generator, sparking complaints about a proper electricity establishment.
Former Choiseul Premier Clement Kengava says the generator donated after the Premier’s meeting at Taro in 2013, went off for four weeks.
Mr Kengava says the generator is unreliable.
“It began to break down since last year. Now is this is the longest time I understand it has happened and it has affected businesses houses, and the public servants who are here and the work of the province and most importantly the hospital. Because now we have hospital x-ray and other things here that need power all the time.”
The former Premier says the provincial Government must be serious and establish a proper electricity source for Taro Provincial Township.
“It saddens me a little, makes me sorry. And I am very concerned. Why is no one taking concern or interest in this province to improve the services that people who stay in this province and country also need.”