Victims of the alleged Windy Ridge arson incident near the Tenaru Nazareth Apostolic Centre are now safe at the Tenaru Care Centre.
About six dwelling homes were burnt down as a result of a dispute between two parties both from Guadalcanal.
Gaobata Chief Eric Ata says Chief from both parties are negotiating possible means to calm down the disagreement between the two parties.
“We still have them in our custody and some of them are aggresive but they are awaiting a decision from our other chiefs.”
Chief Ata advises both parties not to take the law into their own hand and allow police investigations to proceed.
Meanwhile, Guadalcanal Police are investigating a report of possible arson which resulted in the burning of some semi-permanent houses and looting of valuables after a brawl between two parties at Windy Ridge in the Tenaru area, East of Honiara.
Police Media reports, the incident happened after a brawl between people from Tasimboko and Malango.
The incident is believed to have occurred between 8am and 11am on Sunday 17 April.
It is alleged that the suspects were armed with pieces of iron, sticks, stones, bush knives and axes as they went through Windy Ridge areas 1 and 2, destroying and looting whatever they came across in the villages.
Police have been informed that a chief from the suspected arsonists’ village had met the victims’ elders to work out ways to settle the matter.
Police have brought the situation under control and surrounding communities are urged to refrain from any retaliation.
No one has been arrested yet as police call for eye witnesses to come forward.