Example of a trough. Photo credit: geowiki.ucdavis.edu

Example of a trough. Photo credit: geowiki.ucdavis.edu

The current wet weather is influenced by a weak trough located north of the country, confirms the Solomon Islands Meteorological Services (SIMS).

Deputy director of Meteorology, Lloyd Tahani told SIBC News today.

He says a trough located north of the country is influencing the current weather situation.

“We have a trough located north of the country which is associated with the rain we experienced in the past two days. At this time a general easterly trade wind is flowing over the islands whilst we have the trough positioned just northeast of the country, giving us some rain.”

Meanwhile, the Met Service deputy director also confirms, seven degree Celsius as the coolest of temperatures recorded in the country this year.

“The coolest temperature recorded in the country especially those to the northern part of the country like the northwest or even the central and eastern part of the country have experienced a minimum temperature of 22 degree Celsius. Renbel especially which is further south is much cooler than 22 degree Celsius like you’ve expressed, yes because at this time of the year we are now in the winter period especially in the southern hemisphere and Renbel being further south is exposed to the cold air that’s coming from the south.”

SIBC News understands, Renbel province recently experienced a record seven degrees Celsius temperature.

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