Solomon Islands Acting Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga. Photo: SIBC

Solomon Islands Acting Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga. Photo: SIBC.

A woman from Duff Island, Temotu Province has been arrested on a charge of cruelty to children after she allegedly burnt her 6 year old daughter’s buttocks.

A police statement says the incident may have occurred earlier this week as the child was seen limping along the main road at Tenaru on Tuesday afternoon.

Anglican Sisters at the Christian Care Centre took the child in and called the police after they discovered what had happened.

Initial police investigations revealed the woman was angry at the time she caused burns to her daughter’s buttocks, causing her child severe pain.

She was arrested this afternoon at the Guadalcanal Police Headquarter.

Police are currently interviewing the woman and child’s relatives and friends, including the father.

Meanwhile, the Police have issued a call to parents and guardians to treat their children with love and care.

The Police made the statement after arresting a woman on a charge of cruelty to children.

Police say the nature of the crime is unacceptable and is a crime.

The woman is currently held in police custody.

In another related news, Police say the number of reported sexual offences is increasing in number.

Acting Police Commissioner Juanita Matanga said the Sexual Assault Unit recorded 9 cases in the past few months, and this is a great concern for the Unit.

“During past months we have received nine case directly reported to our Sexual Assult Unit at Rove and this excludes reports being reported to our provincial centres.”

The Acting Police Commissioner says the cases that were reported involved indecent assault and rape.

“In January there are three cases, including two indecent assaults and one rape case. February, five cases including two rape cases and one indecent assault and March has one indecent assault case,” said Mrs Matanga.

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