World Bank Senior Operations Officer Erik Johnson. Photo credit: SIBC.

World Bank Senior Operations Officer Erik Johnson. Photo credit: SIBC.

A new World Bank report has looked at ways in which the Solomon Islands Government and development partners can improve their funding mechanisms; resource distribution and; planning processes for investing in rural infrastructure and service delivery.

World Bank Country Manager Anne Tully says, following the Tension, donors and Government invested in a number of programs which delivered direct benefits to rural areas.

Ms. Tully says now, a second generation of programs is taking shape, and this report is intended to inform discussion as to how best to refine and institutionalize more effective, accountable and transparent investment in rural development.

The report looks at a total of more than US$134-million in rural funding disbursed through the four largest rural investment programs.

These include Provincial Capacity Development Fund, Rural Development Program and the Rural Advancement Micro-projects Program, and the Rural Constituency Livelihood Fund, and constituency funds more broadly.

Meanwhile, World Bank Senior Operations Officer Erik Johnson says, the findings of the report highlight the need to redefine the current funding streams at constituency, community, and provincial levels.

Johnson adds funds should be aligned with clear mandates as well as appropriate capacities for implementation.

He says there is currently significant overlap in the use of funds, and no clear vision as to how the funds can complement each other as well as the activities of sector ministries.

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