Milner Tozaka making his speech. Photo credit: SIBC.

Milner Tozaka making his speech. Photo credit: SIBC.

Patron of the Solomon Islands Scouts and Coast Watchers Memorial Trust Board, Milner Tozaka says the events of the second world war in 1942 has shaped Solomon Islands into what it is today.

Mr Tozaka, who is also Member of Parliament for North Vella La Vella, made the statement today at the Annual ceremony to honour Solomon Islands Scouts and Coast Watchers who helped the allied forces during the Battle for Guadalcanal in 1942.

He said the Scouts and Coast Watchers should be proud of their work, adding the war is an era in national history.

“The war is an era in our individual and national histories. It broaden the understanding of our forefathers, exposing them overnight to actions and events of which they had no knowledge. Its legacy was to create a drive for racial equality, justice in all dealings and working together to create a better environment for all of us. These events shape the development of our nation and of who we are today, that we are and should be proud of as descendants of those who experience and save their country in the war 72 years ago.”

The ceremony this morning was attended by the Governor General Sir Frank Kabui and Lady Kabui and Acting Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga.

U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu Walter North and other US Government officials also attended the ceremony in Honiara today.

SIBC News understands, the ceremony is the fourth to be held at the ‘Pride of Our Nation’ monument at the Commonwealth street in Honiara.

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