An example of a price control list. Photo credit: Liviathan.

An example of a price control list. Photo credit: Leviathan.

The Consumer Affairs and Price Control Department of the Commerce Ministry is currently examining goods subjected to price control under the Price Control Act.

The Department has deployed officers to assess the price of goods sold in shops in Honiara.

Acting Director for Consumer Affairs Timothy Watekari told SIBC News recently, the price control team will look at goods which are subject to price control.

“Additional goods that fall under our Price Control Act, goods like 777 which was previously covered by the Act but Besta and other substitute goods are still to be included in the Act, so a few months ago we’ve included that under the Price Control Act, which means it now subjects to price control and that’s what we are currently working on.”

The Acting Director for Consumer Affairs also said the team will ensure that the right percentage of prices is exercised for goods subjected to price control.

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