4G mobile for Honiara coming ‘sooner than you think’


Better mobile phone technology is on the way for Honiara

Solomon Islands’ telecommunications provider Our Telekom is planning to upgrade its current 3G networks to 4G in the coming months.

The was confirmed by the company’s chief commercial officer Arthur Yen who said work on the upgrade would begin within the next four weeks.

He said the focus was currently on Honiara, though the company would consider extending the improved service to other parts of the country later.

Mr Yen said with the upgrade, customers can expect improved coverage and faster network speeds.

“We have a strong intention of definitely launching before the end of this year,” he said. “More sooner than you think.

“There will be 10 sites around Honiara initially. We can roll out the rest once we feel comfortable this is the technology that work’s effectively out there.”

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