6th Melanesian arts and culture festival logo unveiled


Dennis Marita displaying the logo. Photo: Lowen Sei

A shell is the key element in the logo that will represent more than 2,000 artists from eight countries at the Melanesian arts and culture festival next year in Honiara.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s Director of Culture Dennis Marita yesterday unveiled the logo and said the shell in the design represents the way the festival will bring Melanesian countries together to share their cultures.

“Pictures say a thousand words, so logo is a mark of an event or an organisation because it is distinctive,” Mr Marita said.

The artist behind the logo is Kisi Mae, who also designed the official logo for the 11th Pacific Arts Festival in 2012.

Mr Mae’s logo was selected from 41 logos submitted by 25 different artists in a public competition that ended last month.

The selection process involved three elimination rounds.

“The selection of the logo was based on criteria, and one is on how it relates to theme and the MSG festival as well as the Melanesian cultures,” Mr Marita said.


The official festival logo

Many logos were eliminated in the first round because they repeated elements of previous logos, including the logo from the 11th Pacific Arts Festival.

The second round eliminated designs that did not reflect the festival.

Mr Mae’s logo was selected in the third round because it met the criteria with its meaningful features and also stood out from the other final logos.

“Sometimes you can come up with the logo, but if there is too much design on it you cannot distinguish it,” he said, “So we look at something that is simple but catches the eye.”

By Allen Waitara 

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