A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Police have confiscated more than 75 cartons of beer at a private residence in Honiara, but no arrests have been made in relation to the raided black market outlet.

The raid happened at Bahaii in Central Honiara yesterday evening.

A police statement says officers from the Central Response Unit and Police Liquor Squad showed up at the private residence without notice and confiscated the alcohol items with an authorised warrant of arrest.

Police however did not make any arrests, saying the suspect escaped before the police raided the house.

The Police Media Unit says the confiscated beer will be kept as evidence for the courts.

Meanwhile, the Police has praised the public for helping the police to track down illegal liquor outlets at the raided residence.

The Police urged the public to come forward and support police to reduce the illegal selling of liquor saying this is a common factor to the increase in anti-social behaviours and crimes in Honiara communities and township areas.

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