A first ever week-long event on Agriculture will be held in the capital, beginning tomorrow.
World Food Day will also be celebrated during the Agriculture Week.
Media Officer, Ben Rakai says many agriculture stakeholders, including rural farmers, are participating this week to showcase various agriculture activities they are involved in.
“A lot of activities are lined up after the official opening program. From the departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and their various partners and stakeholders have also confirmed their participation to showcase their various agricultural activities.”
Mr Rakai adds the theme for the agriculture show “Umi Tugeda Strongim Agriculture” reflects how people make up the building blocks of the industry.
“In terms of the theme of this year’s agriculture show, we have came up with a theme called “Umi Tugeda Strogem Agriculture”. This is to highlight the fact that the agriculture sector has everyone as its building blocks, so the theme serves as a call for the whole of Solomon Islands and its agriculture stakeholders to work together in building the agriculture sector of the country.”
The Agriculture Week will be held at the Art Gallery in Honiara.