The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission official Logo. Photo: SIBC.

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission official Logo. Photo: SIBC.

A Biometric Registration Awareness Civic Educator has flagged a number of concerns to the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission over the new Biometric Voter’s Registration in East Kwaio.

SIBC News stringer for East Malaita Enock Idui reports East Kwaio Civic Educator Weshley Rubea says some polling stations in East Kwaio are yet to be covered, and it is unlikely registration in the remaining centres will be completed during the remaining registration days.

“What happened here is that some polling stations like Ngare Kete Kete were not covered or maybe later, but I don’t know when because the forty days timeframe is fast approaching its end and many polling stations are yet to be covered and I’am not really sure that they would be covered well because further inland some people need time and to me it seems they will not cover this polling station, and this s where corruption can easily creep in through the new registration system we are implementing.”

Mr Rubea adds since registration started in East Kwaio, it is visible there is a low turn out.

He calls on the Electoral Commission to take serious consideration on these concerns and implement remedial measures.

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