Portrait of a voting ballot. Photo credit: Radio Facts.

Portrait of a voting ballot. Photo credit: Radio Facts.

The Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening has confirmed 10th December this year as the Provincial Elections day for six provinces in the country.

The six provinces are Central Islands, Guadalcanal, Isabel, Malaita, Rennell Bellona and Temotu province.

Acting Permanent Secretary Nancy Legua says, the provincial elections were originally scheduled for December 2014 as stipulated in Section 9 of the Provincial Government Act of 2007.

She says due to an overlap of the National General Election schedule with that of the Provincial Election, the date was moved to allow time for candidates who wish to contest both elections may withdraw their nominations, once they won a seat for Parliament.

A statement from the Ministry says nominations for the Provincial Elections will open tomorrow 5 November 2014, followed by a 35 days count down to the actual elections on 10th December.

Meanwhile, the Ministry says nominations of candidates wishing to contest the provincial elections will close at 4pm on 12 November, while candidates wishing to withdraw can do so on 26 November.

SIBC News understands, any person wishing to contest the Provincial Elections must be a citizen of Solomon Islands, must be over 21 years old and a registered voter in his or her respective province.

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