An example of the beche-de-mer. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

An example of the beche-de-mer. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) NCID Unit have finally arrested and charged a man in his 40’s in relation to the Beche-de-mer theft at the Fisheries compound last year.

The Police today says, the arrest was made after officers successfully apprehended the accused as he was about to board a chartered boat to Lord Howe, in the Malaita province yesterday evening with the stolen marine products.

A police statement says, the accused has been charged with in possession of beche-de-mer for export which is contrary to section 13A of the Fisheries Act.

The statement adds while further additional charge of unlawful harvesting of beche-de-mer is expected to be laid on the accused on a later date, the accused was granted on bail the sum of $3,000 and currently upon court strict conditions to report to the Central police every Mondays and Fridays.

SIBC News understands the police believe another male suspect is still on the run.

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