Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

Inside the National Parliament. Photo credit: National Parliament of Solomon Islands.

The Parliamentary Bills and Legislation Committee today began its first hearing into the Land Surveyors Bill 2016.

Committee Chair Hon. Connelley Sandakabatu told SIBC News, four bills are ready for hearing this week.

They are the Land Surveyors Bill 2016, the Adaptation (Amendment) Bill 2016, the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Bill 2016 and the Child and Welfare Bill 2016.

“What we have in front of us now is the Surveyor Bill 2016, that’s today, tomorrow we’ll be on Adoption (Amendment) Bill 2016 and then Friday the Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Bill 2016 plus there’s another new one which is Child and Family Welfare Bill 2016.”

Mr. Sandakabatu adds they are expecting some more bills on notice for a hearing.

“Some are still coming. We have been advised that maybe two or three more bills will come.”

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