Bmobile Solomon Islands CEO Naill Downey. Photo credit: SIBC.

Bmobile Solomon Islands CEO Naill Downey. Photo credit: SIBC.

Bmobile Chief Executive Officer, Niall Downey has told SIBC News they have a lot to achieve in 2016 and are hopeful to get up to 60 percent Bmobile coverage in the country.

Mr Naill outlined his company’s 2016 plans, saying they are in the process of building three new towers in the Western province, upgrade Noro to 3G services and also bring new towers to Honiara to continue with their coverage.

In an exclusive interview, he says they are also upgrading their data services.

“The other item we are concentrating our technical team is in data. We are upgrading our data services continually, we are bringing in new servers and ensuring that our data speeds continue to improve. Our current speed at the moment is 2.7 megabites per second so fast improvements within the last 12 months. Our goal is to continue that and offer genuine 3G services to our cutomers.”

The Bmobile CEO adds, the company will also build new towers in two new provinces and is planning to put up more towers across the country.

“We are looking to go into new provinces so we’re looking at Isabel as one of our next provinces and possibly looking at increasing in Central as well and we’ll continue to improve Malaita with two new towers going there in February.”

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