Dried noddles. Photo credit: Salute to your service.

Dried noddles. Photo credit: Salute to your service.

Local producers of the debated Kokorako Noodle, Central Developments Limited, CDL, has warned young children to refrain from eating raw noodles.

Freelancer George Atkin reports the CDL management says noodles should not be eaten raw, because they are made to be eaten after being boiled.

Meanwhile, report from Senior Nurse In-Charge at Buala Hospital, Martin Gavira says eighteen people had been treated and discharged at the hospital so far after suffering from voting, stomach ache and diarrhea.

Mr Gavira says prior to having experienced the medical ailments, they had eaten kokorako noodles.

SIBC News understands, the advice was given by the producer following incidents that took place in Isabel recently.

Meanwhile, Acting Director of Consumer Affairs and Price Control, Timothy Watekari says the Division has not received any complaints regarding expired goods from identified wholesale shops in Honiara.

Mr Watekari however reassures that the Consumer Affairs division will monitor and follow up on shops identified to have expired products.

“Our office will definitely take action once notified of such cases so as to follow up on them as identify which wholesalers in Honiara sell these products.”

The Acting Director also issued a call to the public to report any expired goods found in shops.

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